Council’s yelling better than silence

Leadership is earned, not demanded – and it is sadly lacking at city hall and by some on the sidelines.

To the Editor,

Re: Chamber of commerce leads petition to fix council relationships, Sept. 24.

Leadership is earned, not demanded – and it is sadly lacking at city hall and by some on the sidelines.

The decorum some Nanaimoites speak of with their petition will only succeed when rules are applied equally to all – both at the council table and in the gallery. However, the mayor, some councillors and staff seem intent on running democracy their way – and that is what has caused, finally, the real pushback of unrest.

The best way for the train to get back on the tracks is for the chair to apply points-of-order fairly to all, staff to provide well-balanced, unbiased reports and for a few on council to stop their ignorant sighs, face twisting and manipulation.

It is good the backlash has come and that the spotlight is now being focused on the careless spending, subverting of motions and sneakiness that has been plaguing 455 Wallace St. for some time.

It is time now for power to be pulled from the small minority of tax spenders who constantly manipulate democracy. And if it takes some yelling and screaming to do it, so be it – for the good of all weary, cash-strapped taxpayers.

Kevan ShawNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin