Country can right its course

The course chosen by neo-conservative PM Stephen Harper made Canada lose its international prestige and previous humanitarian reputation.

To the Editor,

The course chosen by neo-conservative PM Stephen Harper made Canada lose its international prestige and previous humanitarian reputation. Harper’s ‘reforms’ have turned this country into one mean, ruthless, corporate-dominated enterprise.

Rammed through Parliament, those ‘reforms’ are full of deceitful particulars. With dictatorial disregard for democratic process, many oppressive judicial changes are already set in motion.  Under Bill C-51, Harper’s own version of U.S.A.’s Patriot Act, everyone faces the risk of being declared a suspect by secret police and arrested and prosecuted in secret.

Canada still has an opportunity to get off the neo-conservative path and to restore and protect our rights and liberty. Vote for anyone who has a chance to defeat the neo-conservative machine and stop PM Harper’s ‘reforms.’

Zlatko ZvekicNanaimo


To the Editor,

Re: Conservatives float funding for foot ferry, Sept. 15.

Give your head a shake if you think the Green Party can win Nanaimo-Ladysmith.

Not a chance, but both the Conservatives and NDP are very strong in this riding with its new boundaries.

With Stephen Harper promising about $14 million of taxpayer moneys ‘if elected’ to fund Nanaimo’s foot ferry to Vancouver, a slick move, and people voting Green, this could easily hand the victory to Harper’s Conservatives.

Now wouldn’t you be happy about that? Research this riding about its strengths and think carefully before you vote. Let’s not once again let vote splitting hand Harper another victory. It could easily be argued that the Green Party is Harper’s greatest asset in the Nanaimo-Ladysmith riding.

R.G. BurnettNanaimo


To the Editor,

Re: NDP guards against complacency, Sept. 12.

It’s disheartening to see Sheila Malcolmson plying the ‘politics as usual’ style of innuendo and focus deflection so early in her fledgling career when she spoke at her office opening. Her ploy of only mentioning the dead-in-the-water Conservative campaign as her rival is most disingenuous. Greens not relevant? We’ve all seen the latest Insights West poll for the Island, showing NDP at 39 per cent, Green Party at 32 per cent, Conservatives and Liberals at 15 per cent each. Sunday’s CBC The National did a special piece strongly making the point that Vancouver Island is a Green-NDP race with the traditional two as the also-rans. Anyone travelling around the riding couldn’t miss the more numerous, bigger Green party signs and posters blanketing the riding. Paul Manly and Elizabeth May drew more than 1,000 at Beban Park last Tuesday. NDP, please stop treating the voters of Nanaimo-Ladysmith as though we are mushrooms.

Jordan EllisNanaimo


To the Editor,

Arguing about who is most qualified to represent you in Parliament is like arguing about whether it is better to be tarred or boiled. The voting system is a sophisticated means to farm and tax mass human credulity and native human psychological and biological industry, a system and its corporate agents and instruments (including most ostensibly well-educated men and women across these lands) indispensable to the smooth function of our largely de facto government of a society as religiously as scientifically kept poised upon a bloody brink of perpetual near-collapse, at war with every natural instinct with which a child is born and to which we force our most vulnerable citenzry to conform, under duress that could not possibly fail to stymie the courage (and brain development) of the most battle-hardened combat soldier, let alone that of a wee child.

Landon SealeyNanoose Bay

Nanaimo News Bulletin