Courtenay council made right bridge decision

Dear editor,

I thought it timely to mention the debate at Courtenay city council about the Fifth Street Bridge.

Dear editor,

With the recent bridge collapse in Skagit County, I thought it timely to mention the debate at Courtenay city council about either painting and making the Fifth Street Bridge pretty, or making it safe for the foreseeable future.

Thankfully they made the right decision despite a lot of protest about just doing whatever would make it do for the next season of tourists.

Unless it’s an extraordinary bridge, the only way a bridge is going to attract tourists happened the other night outside Seattle.

It’s the destination of downtown Courtenay that would attract tourists, not the bridge down the hill you can’t really see beyond Cliffe Avenue.

Thanks to Courtenay City council for making the right decision.

Rick Forbes,

Pitt Meadows


Comox Valley Record