Courtesy key to enjoying walks together

Courtesy key to enjoying walks together

Writer calls for exercising better manners on sidewalks and walking trails

Dear Editor,

We have been enjoying the perfect weather for walking in Walnut Grove the last month.

When we see people approaching us, we courteously walk in single file to make room. It is amazing how many others do not.

We have had people walk two or three abreast and give us cold stares or mutter when we don’t move over to the grass for them.

In some areas, homeowners allow their lovely hedges and bushes to overgrow sidewalks so that you have to walk in single file. Trim them, please.

A couple of weeks ago you ran an article from someone in a bicycling group who mentioned having to “deal with” people walking on sidewalks. I am not sure what he meant.

Sidewalks are for walkers and runners.

Roads are for cyclists, and yet often, people older than six ride their bikes on the sidewalks.

We decided to try Houston Trail.

Yesterday we were walking single file as two ladies on their horses were approaching. Imagine our amazement when the riders kept on riding two abreast, and one had the audacity to tell us to move over!

It is all about manners and courtesy. People, please use them so we can all enjoy nature and exercise together.

Susan Abbot, Walnut Grove

Langley Times