Cowichan Bay is The Working Bay

CERCA has wanted to remove industries in Cowichan Bay for years

Cowichan Bay is The Working Bay

Cowichan Bay is The Working Bay

CVRD rezoning, actually a down zoning of use for Western Stevedoring with PIM. The CVRD held a public hearing March 12, packed house to hear from the public.

Marine Industries in Cowichan Bay require an ocean location to build marine structures i.e. wharfs, floats, docks, bridges to ship them to other marine locations working with BC Ferries, Canadian Coast Guard, DFO. Western Canada Marine Response stores equipment at the ocean’s edge location.

CERCA (Cowichan Estuary Restoration Conservation Association), Goetz Schuerholz leader, has had the industries in Cowichan Bay including WFP in their sights for removal for years! CERCA continually attempts to influence the public negatively with misinformation as to the purpose of industry in Cowichan Bay. These companies have proved their interest and concern for the well being of Cowichan Bay, eel grass and sea life by investing not only time and money but by supporting projects to enhance and protect as well as removal of derelict boats in Cowichan Bay. Removed 20 boats in 2018, one in February with another going down this week!

Note WFP (Western Forest Products) is the third largest taxpayer in North Cowichan. Who will pick up that ‘tab’ If CERCA gets their way wanting an empty bay to look at from many of their (CERCA members) homes along Khenipsen Road? Any environmental assessment should be the responsibility of the government, federal, provincial, local given that JUB (Joint Utility Board) includes CVRD, Municipality of North Cowichan, City of Duncan and Cowichan Tribes sewage lagoons outfall is at Cowichan Bay.

Whatever comes down the Cowichan River to Cowichan Bay and septic fields along Khenipsen Road, bay area and farmers’ fields affecting Cowichan Bay are not the responsibility of marine industry at Cowichan Bay for many decades.

Cowichan Bay has had many improvements thanks to the efforts of industry and workers and will continue to be stewards of Cowichan Bay because they care. Cowichan Bay is called in the CVRD OCP The Working Bay for good reason! Jobs support families and community!

Joyce Behnsen

North Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen