Cowichan Cat Rescue providing a valuable service to the community

I wanted to send a very big thank you to the Cowichan Cat Rescue people.

I wanted to send a very big thank you to the Cowichan Cat Rescue people.

I had the unfortunate opportunity of having a stray cat show up in my barn last November that was very thin. I of course started feeding him and he came and went as the months wore on. Then, just recently he, who we had named Murphy, was discovered a she as she arrived with four kittens.

I had no idea what to do with the kittens as I definitely didn’t want hundreds of cats within a year. I had heard about the CCR so gave them a call. Jean came out multiple times from Cobble Hill to help trap them. We caught the mom and had her spayed, vaccinated, wormed, deflead and tattooed and brought her back. The kittens will go to foster homes to be tamed, then they will have the same vet treatment and put up for adoption. She is also getting the tom cats that are caught neutered and returned. She did all this without getting anything in return. If you would like to donate to a great cause this is one of them. I’m not sure what I would have done without this being available. This is a great service, as we all know there are a lot of stray cats around.

Murphy is doing great! Thank you so much CCR!


Debbie Postle


Cowichan Valley Citizen