Cowichan development proposal puts Saanich Inlet at risk

Industrial development plans for Bamberton lands could affect quality of life for residents on Saanich Peninsula

Saanich Inlet is a jewel. Visitors are enchanted by its breathtaking beauty and wonderful swimming. This is because it is shaped like a bathtub; one of three reverse fjords in the world. It flushes once a year in autumn. These conditions make it biologically rich.

Why anyone would think this a good location for industrial development is hard to fathom. So, it’s shocking to see Cowichan Valley Regional District holding a public hearing on rezoning large tracts of the west side of Saanich Inlet (Bamberton lands) from forestry to light industrial.

We read in the local paper a decision will be made on Feb. 8. No time for public input. Who is impacted by the proposed major land use change? Have First Nations, regional districts and neighbouring municipalities been consulted?

This public hearing was fast tracked and makes a sham of the democratic process.

Heather Graham

Central Saanich

Peninsula News Review