Cranky Comox Valley seniors make daughter cry

Dear editor,
It seems that once again I am writing you about older people and their inappropriate treatment of others.

Dear editor,It seems that once again I am writing you about older people and their inappropriate treatment of others.It’s bad enough that I still get the dirty looks (no more comments thus far) for being a younger man with a handicap pass, but now they’ve gone after my daughter.My 10-year-old daughter wanted to go around our neighborhood to raise money for Jump Rope for Heart at her school this Friday. She was merely knocking on the door and asking if people wanted to donate.I don’t know if people are scared of the big red envelope that has words and pictures for Jump Rope for Heart, or if they are just plain rude and self-centred, but what I just experienced was ridiculous and unacceptable.I don’t judge someone if they can’t give anything or don’t have the money. I understand all too well about financial hardship being on disability.This is how it went down. She knocked on one person’s door and said her little line. The person started closing the door on her before she even finished.She went to the next house. This person angrily said, “I’m not interested!” and once again closed the door on her.She then stopped at a house of a person, who was younger, and she actually apologized to my daughter for not having any cash on her to donate.Then came the final house she stopped at. It was the final house and the final straw.He opened the door to her and immediately waved his hand as if to “shoo” her away and when she started to talk, he did it again and very gruffly said, “No, thank you!” looked at me and smiled as though it was fine that he was a jerk to my daughter and slammed the door.My poor daughter was fighting back tears. “He didn’t even let me finish,” she said, with her little chin quivering.This brings me to the question once again. Now, please hear me when I say that I know there are many wonderful people who are older in the Valley.But, even when I lived in the Lower Mainland, I never found so many older people who were not only rude, but downright jerks! You may be in the twilight of your life, and you may have given your fair share to society, but for the love of Mike, please show respect to our younger generation!A kind word goes a heck of a long way! Enough with the disrespect!A 10-year-old girl should not be crying because they were so rude to her while she’s collecting for a foundation that is trying to help many of them!Jim Hubbeard,Comox Valley

Comox Valley Record