CRD cycling plan heading in right direction

Cycling in Victoria, bike lanes, biking with kids

Re: CRD unveils $275M bike network plan (News, Sept. 9)

Way to go, Capital Regional District, for releasing the pedestrian and cycling master plan.

I don’t own a car and have been biking confidently on roadways for years, but it’s just recently that I’ve had an enthusiastic eight-year-old on a trailer bike added to my fleet. This changed everything for me.

It would be great to have more places to ride safely with her.

Not only will upgrades to cycling infrastructure decrease greenhouse gas emissions, they will improve traffic conditions.

Implementing the plan and luring people out of their cars onto bikes and on foot will also reduce infrastructure costs in the long run – feet and bike tires cause far less damage.

These savings can be put into upgrading the cycling infrastructure over time.

Lisa Helps


Victoria News