CRD fumbles over sewage plan

Refusal to complete environmental impact assessment part of regional district's negligence, reader writes

Re: Despite protests, sewage plan marches on (News, Aug. 21)

I’m a sewage plan naysayer simply because the Capital Regional District’s bad sewage plan would replace our low-risk marine treatment with a poorly planned high-risk land treatment system. Evidence of bad CRD decisions include the secret purchase in March of a high-risk sludge plant site in the middle of a dense Esquimalt neighbourhood. Evidence of CRD negligence includes their refusal to complete an environmental impact assessment under the B.C. Environmental Assessment Act or the federal environment act.

It’s absolutely incredible that an urban-sited mega-sewage plant, hazardous sludge pipelines, and mega-sludge plant don’t trigger environmental assessments.

John Newcomb


Victoria News