Credible numbers in a balanced budget

The finance minister manged to do it with credible numbers that stand up to independent scrutiny.

Balancing a provincial budget is quite an amazing feat these days. So my hat goes off to B.C.’s finance minister because he managed to do it and he did it with credible numbers that stand up to independent scrutiny. I think the people of B.C. should know this.

Compared to Ontario, where they are currently looking at a $12-billion deficit, and oil-rich Alberta, where they are projecting a $4-billion deficit, B.C. is doing pretty darn good.

And when you throw in provincial debt levels, B.C. wins again with one of the lowest ratios of taxpayer supported debt compared to the province’s gross domestic product (GDP) numbers: B.C. sits at just 17 per cent while Ontario is at 36 per cent and Quebec at a whopping 48per cent.

Spending money you don’t have, as we all know, is a recipe for long-term economic disaster. Fortunately for the people of B.C., Christy Clark and finance minister Mike de Jong get that fact and have refused to take us down that path.

A balanced budget and a lower than average provincial debt-load are things we, our children, and our grandchildren should be very grateful for.

Bruce Sanderson, North Vancouver


A first for B.C.

I feel compelled to write as I have heard so many people commenting on the budget introduced by the B.C. Liberals.

I am normally the first person to look for ways to reduce taxes, especially for the under-privileged insociety. However, I fail to see how a two-per-cent increase on those earning more than $150,000 and a one-per-cent increase to big business is going to hurt them or B.C.

I think the more important thing in these economic times is that B.C. is the first province to deliver a balanced budget in Canada since the recession. And as B.C.’s economy gets better, and provincial revenues increase, these specific tax increases should be the first to go. Then the government can continue by reducing taxes even further to encourage our economy and allow businesses to take risks and hire British Columbians.

Marney Hogan, Langley


Showing restraint

Full marks to Premier Christy Clark and Finance Minister Mike de Jong for continuing to show restraint with respect to government hiring and government wages. The government bureaucracy in this province will be reduced by over 1,400 positions in the coming three years. Good riddance to big government and hello balanced budgets – my kids thank you.

Monika Bonney, Burnaby

Surrey Now Leader