Creston Refugee Committee raising funds while waiting for new family

Papers filed for Burmese and Syrian families; likely neither will arrive in Creston until 2017...

To the Editor:

The Creston Refugee Committee would like to update the community on how we are proceeding on our applications for two refugee families. The papers for the Burmese family of seven were filed one year ago and it will probably be 2017 before they arrive in Creston. This family has been in a refugee camp 15 years and is related to the lovely family we brought to Canada three years ago. We hope that the papers for the Syrian Kurdish family of six will be accepted by Citizenship and Immigration Canada within two weeks. We also think that this family will not arrive in Canada until 2017 but it would be very exciting to welcome one of our families before then.

Bringing two families to Canada means a lot of fundraising for our committee: $30,000 for each family, or $60,000. Presently, we are working on a pie bee and would like to thank all the people who so kindly donated rhubarb for it. We hope to bake and sell 250 rhubarb pies, and so had to harvest over 1,000 cups of rhubarb.

We would especially like to thank Spectrum Farms and Jack Mercer, who were our main contributors. Doreen Cardwell and her husband were good enough to wash, cut and bag the rhubarb they donated. Many people came to chop the rhubarb for freezing. We ask the people who buy the pies to pick them up unbaked at Anglican Christ Church on May 28. If you would like to order a pie, see anyone on the refugee committee or phone Linda Price.

In June, we will be holding a mammoth garage sale. It will run three days, June 24-26. Look for the advertising closer to the date.

We want to thank the people of Creston for all the support they give us.

Linda Price, Chair

Creston Refugee Committee

Creston Valley Advance