Creston Valley businesses should allow U.S. money

Not accepting U.S. money seems to be a way of cheating the public, says Creston letter writer Lee Kitto...

To the Editor:

Recently I had company from the states. Upon deciding to treat us to supper, my company went to pick it up. Imagine her surprise and embarrassment when she was informed that this business did not honour the exchange rate on U.S. money!

Needless to say this did not endear my company, or myself, to this business. It does make me wonder how many other businesses in this town follow this procedure. This seems to be a way of cheating the public but not showing hospitality to visitors. With the U.S. border so close, I would think all businesses would want to welcome tourists but apparently not all of them value their customers.

All I can say to these businesses is shame on you!

Lee Kitto




Creston Valley Advance