Crime legislation ‘gross misuse of our tax dollars’

Dear editor,

Kudos to the two letter writers decrying the insanity of the mega Crime Bill now being rammed through Parliament.

Dear editor,

Kudos to the two letter writers in the Nov. 26 edition of the Record decrying the insanity of the mega Crime Bill now being rammed through Parliament in the face of all opposition.

Even the governor of Texas freely admits their grievous error in following this approach.

It was also very interesting to read, in that same edition of the Record, the article on how terribly understaffed and dangerous the conditions are in the prisons we already have. Why do we need more?

Surely we have more desperate needs requiring those millions, if not billions of dollars: reducing child poverty, homelessness, mental health issues, jobs, especially for the young, and so much more.

We all need to add our voices in opposition to this and other such gross misuses of our tax dollars. Otherwise we are, as another letter to the editor pointed out, heading rapidly toward a collapse of our whole social structure and way of life.

Shirley and Meg Bonney,


Comox Valley Record