Criminals laughing up their sleeves

One of the most sardonic episodes of the criminal justice system in Canada was the institution of the handgun registry in 1934.

One of the most sardonic episodes of the criminal justice system in Canada was the institution of the handgun registry in 1934.

It had criminals laughing up their sleeves by making normally law-abiding citizens into criminals with the stroke of a legislative pen.

Then the criminal element went into belly laughter when the Liberal government brought in the long gun registry, making even more law-abiding citizens into criminals.

Why? Because criminals knew damned well it wouldn’t affect them in the slightest, because they most certainly would never be registering their guns.

Rather than reducing the criminal use of firearms, both registries effectively made law-abiding citizens into the laughing stock of the criminal world.

Thankfully, our sensible government of today has repealed the ill-fated long gun registry.

The question now is, how long will it take them to repeal the other travesty of justice – the handgun registry?

Josiah Rise

Abbotsford News