Crosswalk is dangerous for pedestrians

Langley City needs to make drivers more aware of crosswalk on busy 53 Avenue.

Editor: I was walking down 201A Street towards the townhouses in the 5200 block. I set foot into the crosswalk expecting cars to stop, yet there are no lights or markers indicating that this was a crosswalk.

As I stepped out, the driver of a car slammed the brakes on and skidded through the intersection. Fortunately, I knew this crosswalk was not properly lit up and I stopped in my tracks. Had I continued further, I would most likely be severely injured or worse, dead.

There are a lot of young families around this area, and if people aren’t able to see a tall man walking, I can only imagine what’s going to happen next. I have stated my grievance to Langley City hall, asking that the City put up proper flashing lights or markers that indicate a crosswalk.

The intersection in question is 201A Street at 53 Avenue.

My three-year-old son is almost able to get out of the front door at any time of the day. I do not want a crosswalk that isn’t indicated as such.

My demand is to put up proper flashing lights at this crosswalk so that no one gets killed. Otherwise, just get rid of it, since it’s really not a crosswalk and more of a death trap.

The question is not if, but when. And when it happens, it would be a tragedy.

This is not for my sake, but for the sake of young kids who use this crosswalk, as there is a school nearby.

Mitchell Dedrick,


Langley Times