Crosswalk lessons revisited

I know the time for New Year's Resolutions has passed. In fact, if you made one, you've likely broken it by now. But I would like to suggest a resolution it appears most of Vernon needs. Now, repeat after me: "I resolve to stop for pedestrians at crosswalks."

Crosswalk lessons revisited

I know the time for New Year’s Resolutions has passed. In fact, if you made one, you’ve likely broken it by now. But I would like to suggest a resolution it appears most of Vernon needs. Now, repeat after me: “I resolve to stop for pedestrians at crosswalks.”

I cannot count how many times each week I am left waiting at a crosswalk for traffic to stop. Others brave walking out onto the crosswalk and wishing for the best, but at nine months pregnant, this is not an option for me. I am responsible for two lives and cannot put my faith in drivers who routinely let me down. A crosswalk is a simple concept that we teach to kindergarten students, but most Vernon drivers seem to have forgotten. I am growing accustomed to the averted eyes of drivers as they plow through crosswalks while I wait on the curb for someone, anyone, to stop and allow me to pass. Some drivers even speed up. You car, me legs: you win. I’m not even going to fight that battle.

I am due to give birth soon and it is my hope that when I am walking through Vernon with my baby in her carrier or stroller, that people will stop for us at crosswalks so that I may teach my child that traffic rules do mean something. I will teach her that it is not safe to jaywalk, speed or talk on the phone while driving. I will teach her that the “X” marks on the road between the bus depot and the Safeway parking lot are not crosswalks. I will teach her to “Cross at the green and not in between.” Please help me teach her that cars stop at crosswalks.

Jennifer Gordon

Vernon Morning Star