
Local resident provides support for the rainbow colours

Why a rainbow crosswalk?

Its not what you think it is. It’s not pushing its ideas on to you. It’s not forcing you to accept that the world is different than what you perceive it to be.

It’s a sign of love and compassion.

It’s a sign that says as a community, if you are feeling lost and alone, we are here for you.

I would love to live in a world where we don’t need to have rainbow crosswalks in order to tell people they are loved and welcome.

But sadly, we are not at the point in society where we have accepted differences as human nature.

Suicide rates and depression rates are at an all time high.

If this investment helps one person feel like we stand behind them, that they are not alone, that we as a community love them, then it is worth it.

Kimberlie Raffan



Vernon Morning Star