
Resident provides their thoughts on the rainbow crosswalk issue

I read the letter concerning the rainbow crosswalk and your final statement ” let’s keep an open mind.”

I believe Vernon was dubbed the city with the most churches per capita in Canada.

Knowing that, it seems your perspective of the gay community and your attachment to a religious group has you in a moral pickle the world is losing interest in.

Attendance in churches worldwide is falling and the acceptance of the LGBT community is increasing.

Vernon wants one rainbow sidewalk and has more churches than anywhere else in Canada.

Maybe consider your open-mind statement when considering the LGBT community and understand that acceptance and openness is the focus and the answer.

Consider that religion may take a back seat when it comes to the happiness and security of all humans.

I took a lot of care not to offend you in writing this letter.

If we all take that care in our spoken opinion, maybe the world will become a place we can all feel better in.

I think painting a Bible, a cross, or Noah’s ark would be tantamount to graphite on a work of art representing a human condition.

I’m a heterosexual father of two. My wife and I have strongly supported our mentality with the kids, successfully I might add.

They too are open minded and supportive of said community. I felt it my duty as a human being to create this in them.

We reap what we sew in our children. How do your children feel?

In closing, I’d like to say that I grew up in a tolerant and open-minded home and would like to thank my parents for encouraging me as well in this direction.

There are more than enough haters in the world.

Let’s paint a sidewalk.

Jeff Hopewell


Vernon Morning Star