Crown, First Nations must build relations

NANAIMO – Re: Idle No More protest set for Maffeo Sutton, Jan. 8.

To the Editor,

Re: Idle No More protest set for Maffeo Sutton, Jan. 8.

We have much work to do to change the state of relationship between non-aboriginal and aboriginal Canadians.

Canada is long overdue for lengthy and meaningful dialogue with First Nation peoples.

I think we can no longer wait for government.

As you can tell by non-aboriginal representation at the Idle No More events, there are many non-aboriginal Canadians who are disheartened by the Crown and First Nation’s relationship state and we are taking relationship building into our own hands.

The support of media is imperative in supporting continued dialogue.

My children were born in Nanaimo and I attended elementary, high school and university in Nanaimo on traditional unceded Snuneymuxw territory.

It’s time I stood up to respect the people whose land I have benefited from for over 50 years; I hope many others will join.

Laurie Harding

Mill Bay

Nanaimo News Bulletin