Cruise terminal’s costs can’t be justified

While the writer is accurate in claiming Victoria has net benefits from its cruise facility infrastructure, Nanaimo does not.

To the Editor,

Re: Cruise ships bring major economic impact to Island, Letters, July 7.

The letter does not address Nanaimo’s issues. While the writer is accurate in claiming Victoria has net benefits from its cruise facility infrastructure, Nanaimo does not.

We spent $24 million on the dock and, since this money had to be borrowed, there are also interest costs. Then there are annual maintenance and operating costs. I doubt you can find an economist anywhere who would weigh these expenses, against the small number of tourist dollars this facility beings to town, and conclude this was a wise investment.

No matter how much lipstick you put on this pig, it’s an economic disaster – which was predicted before construction began.

S.I. PetersenNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin