Cull the sensible decision

Mr. Mayor, you and council made the only sensible and right decision to press on with the cull

The Times Colonist recently published a letter responding to many queries (from persons not living in Oak Bay) about the success of our cull. The letter writer simply stated that the cull was successful in that it removed 11 deer from the Oak Bay deer population. Fact.

I have just read a recent edition of the Oak Bay News and note with some disappointment that the Bambi Brigade is still pursuing their crusade against the cull. I point out, that of the voters who turned out in the last election, a clear majority voted for Nils Jensen, whose main plank was the cull. This is democracy at work and the people who continually chastise the mayor for his cull action should take a breather and back off.

I agree that a more humane method to get rid of the pests should be found, and it already exists. Properly trained and licensed hunters could do the job – I was one of them in the dawn of time – except for the prohibition of discharging fire arms within municipal borders. I would volunteer tomorrow to do this as I did years ago in northern B.C. when hunting was not frowned upon by naïve urban dwellers. Sadly this is no longer an option.

Mr. Mayor, you and council made the only sensible and right decision to press on with the cull. Please don’t bow to strident and emotional pressure. Keep up your good work and increase the cull number next year and start it sooner.

Thanks for your consideration and thanks for (hopefully) publishing another rare letter swimming upstream.

Steen Jessen


Oak Bay



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