Culling method inhumane

The only humane way to cull the deer in Oak Bay would be to usee a sharpshooter

If, as the mayor of Oak Bay insists, there is an over population of deer in this community, then in the name of safety a population reduction is in order.

However, the killing means to be employed by Oak Bay is wrong. It is not humane as has been stated by many and extremely cruel. Would the mayor do it to his dog?

The only humane way would be to have a sharpshooter in place, as has been done in many states and most recently in Hamilton Ont.

If Oak Bay has to change the bylaws then do it. A sharpshooter in a tall stand could shoot down at the deer and hopefully have an instant kill. To trap it, then fight it to the ground before shooting it in the head is not right. The mayor talks humane, then let it be humane, not in a trap. As to an over population, show us the facts.

Arthur Remington

Oak Bay


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