Cultural facilities

Letter writer wants the official community plan followed

Becky Strobe’s letter in The Morning Star was one of the best I have read in a long time.

Becky is obviously an intelligent, concerned citizen with a belief and vision of what could and should be  a better, invigorating, well thought-out, thriving community. It’s too bad we don’t have any, and I do mean any, local politicians who think the same way she does.

Becky asks the question, “Why haven’t we implemented the existing OCP?”

If we did, would we not have a fabulous, first-class art gallery? Would we not have a spacious, interesting, well-run  museum and maybe  gorgeous  lakeside facilities providing well-maintained beaches with all of the amenities drawing thousands of happy, money-spending visitors to our beautiful diamond in the rough?

Would we not be better off implementing the exiting OCP than we are now? Have the local politicians not noticed the empty store fronts around this city?

Again the question begs, “What is being done to change this situation?” Why are we not pursuing funds from the various grants that are available to  help us enhance our economic growth?

Becky is bang on when she says we have the volunteers, individual organizations and civic groups who are willing to make the contribution needed to make this an outstanding area that all of us could be proud of for years to come.

All that is needed is for the politicians of this ridiculously over-governed area to just make a decision and get on with it.


Denis Marson




Vernon Morning Star