(Kathleen Saylors/Grand Forks Gazette)

(Kathleen Saylors/Grand Forks Gazette)

CUPE Local 4728 proud of the community

A letter from CUPE president Sukie Lawrence.

Editor, the Gazette

My name is Sukie Lawrence. I am the president of CUPE Local 4728 which represents municipal workers for the great city of Grand Forks.

Having lived in this wonderful city for the majority of my life, I was shocked and saddened to see first hand the destruction wrought by the historical flood that we have all just experienced. My heart goes out to all that have been effected by this devastating situation.

I am writing this letter to the citizens of Grand Forks to voice how utterly amazed I was to see, and experience, the strength of our community. From our Emergency Operations Centre team, who from the start did their best; working extremely long hours under numerous pressures, to organize and implement a cohesive response to a horrible situation.

To the Grand Forks Fire/Rescue and Search and Rescue teams who worked tirelessly, night and day to protect, help and literally save lives during these tumultuous weeks. To the forestry crews (my hats off the the Valhalla group…you guys and gals are truly amazing! ) who worked their fingers to the bone to help the city employees set up thousands of feet of pump hose, fill thousands of sandbags as well as delivering and placing those bags to our most threatened properties.

To the RCMP for their round the clock help. To the valley’s contractors who offered all manner of equipment and manpower, not for the money but because the majority of them genuinely wanted to help… thank you.

I was, and still am, truly amazed at the response of our citizens ! You came out en mass and worked in ridiculous temperatures for hours on end to help your fellow humans. Using your own boats to rescue the elderly and immobile, using your own fuel/vehicles/equipment to ferry sand bags where needed without a second thought. Bringing food and cold drinks all around the city and sharing a kind word and a hug when it was desperately needed.

To you all: I am humbled and proud. As president of CUPE 4728 I would also like to say how inspired and blown away I was by the actions and commitment of Grand Forks public works, electrical, water and sewer, fleet and city hall staff, including Alana, Rosemary and Katie. All of you deserve a huge pat on the back. Without your dedication, long hours and consistent attention, our town would have been in a much more precarious position.

I am so very proud of the citizens of Grand Forks and I hope all of you know how extremely proud you should be of your works crew. They are among the most talented and dedicated team I have ever been a part of. We are all very lucky to know they are there everyday, especially in times of crisis. Next time you see one of them, give a honk or a thumbs up. We all sincerely deserve it!

Our small CUPE Local 4728 has made a $5,000 donation to the GoFundMe for the residents of our town to help devastated families get back on their feet. I urge all reading this to donate as much as you can because your donation is not only helping those in need; it is helping the city you call home, heal and move forward into a brighter future.

Good luck to all in the coming months. We’ve proven we can stand strong under extreme pressure. Now let’s show the world what small town heart is all about and come through the darkness bigger and better than ever!

I’m proud to be an employee for the City of Grand Forks.

Sukie Lawrence, president

CUPE Local 4728

Grand Forks Gazette