Customer service lacking

Today it is all about how much they can charge for a service call and if you don’t pay it you don’t get it fixed.

While everyone is talking about customer service in Penticton, I moved from the Vancouver area a number of years ago and we had a plumbing problem and we ran into the same as everyone else, no one was willing to even call us back to say sorry, too busy, or it will take a day or two.

We called numerous ones and got nowhere so I know the feeling that people have about no service.

Now I would like to say that my father Tom Partington owned Partington Sheet Metal for years in this town and he was the best at customer service. I can remember when he would get a call in the evening or even in the middle of the night.

If someone’s furnace would not work, he would say to them please go check your reset button and if that does not work, I will be right over.

He never complained and he never charged a service call, he would just charge them for the half hour or hour that it took him to fix it unless it was a fault of his.

I have always had great respect for my father’s work ethics and what he taught us and what it was to have good customer service in the days from years ago.

Today it is all about how much they can charge for a service call and if you don’t pay it you don’t get it fixed. And also my mother Ella was just as great at the customer service as my father.

Doris de Grood


Penticton Western News