Cutting back on packaging the first step

Many of us are worried about recycling as it seems to have become a part of the multinationals’ business plan.

Many of us are worried about recycling as it seems to have become a part of the multinationals’ business plan.

The irony of this is that it is the multinationals that are creating the over-packaging and “recyclables” in the first place and then getting us to pay to get rid of it.

In Europe they practise the first “R” by refusing to take their packaging. It is known as a take back packaging policy in which the company that creates the packaging is required by law to take it back and deal with it responsibly.

Say you go to the store and purchase toothpaste.

Once through the till, you can take it out of the box, return it right there and then it is reassigned back to the company.

Some of you might think this leads to too much mess at the store and transport back is bad for the environment but actually what it has done is reduce the amount of packaging that the companies produce, thereby reducing the need for major recycling programs.

I don’t know about you but I can do without the plastic covers that require a knife to get open, or the four bags in a box with cellophane around that as well.

While we continue to squabble about who should pay for the recycling, big multinationals are sitting back smiling while we do all the work and then pay on top of it — all for their garbage.

Practise the first “R” — refuse to take it in the first place.


Chris Leischner


Cowichan Valley Citizen