Cutting through small business red tape

Small businesses are the backbone of the B.C. economy. They comprise 98 per cent of all businesses in the province

Small businesses are the backbone of the B.C. economy. They comprise 98 per cent of all businesses in the province, and employ more than one million British Columbians. That accounts for 56 per cent of private-sector employment in the province.

Small business owners are hard-working, passionate people who dedicate long hours and an incredible amount of energy toward building success.

Here in B.C., we’re doing some great things to help small businesses thrive, especially when it comes to cutting unnecessary red tape. It’s one of the key barriers small businesses face. That’s why I’m always proud to tell people that B.C. is number one in the country for regulatory reform. In fact, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business recently gave B.C. an “A” for regulatory reform – the only province in Canada to receive such a distinction.

The mobile business licence program is just one example. It allows mobile businesses to operate in several municipalities with only one licence, so business owners can spend less time doing paperwork and more time on making their businesses a success. The program reduces red tape by allowing mobile businesses to operate in more than one municipality by purchasing only one licence, instead of obtaining non-resident permits in each municipality in which they operate. Here in the Shuswap, the communities of Sicamous, Salmon Arm, Spallumcheen, Enderby and Armstrong participate in the mobile business license program and are seeing its many benefits.

October is Small Business Month in B.C., and I want to hear your ideas on how to cut red tape. I’m especially interested in this area, given my own business background and my role as Parliamentary Secretary for the BC Jobs Plan.

I encourage you to email me at And if you’re looking for small business resources, check out


Salmon Arm Observer