Cycling infrastructure progress shows Oak Bay not a leader

Other municipalities lurching ahead of "cycling-friendly" Oak Bay

Re: Bike lanes still a dream (News, Aug. 16)

Our mayor and many councillors, avowed proponents of making our streetscapes safer and more pleasurable for pedestrians and cyclists, were likely frustrated to see the recent story in the Oak Bay News.

The mayor’s frustration could be no greater than that experienced by cyclists returning to home Oak Bay from any of our sister municipalities where marked bike lanes, new crosswalks and even dedicated cycling pathways are showing up. Parents who want their children to walk and bike to school in September will be frustrated to see no new facilities in place.

There is a cheeky little tag on my cycling shoes that says “Always Lead/Never Follow.” On the issue of implementing bike lanes, leadership for Oak Bay is out of the question.

Those of us interested in the issue would be happy if Oak Bay were just to follow the lead taken by her sister municipalities.

Council’s performance to date is turning our bike dreams into pipe dreams.

Philip Wynne

Oak Bay

Victoria News