Franco Canale is mobile again. After his custom bike was stolen, generous donors came forward to replace it, and contributed funds for additional equipment.

Franco Canale is mobile again. After his custom bike was stolen, generous donors came forward to replace it, and contributed funds for additional equipment.

Cyclist is mobile again after much generosity from friends and community

Franco Canale is very happy to be on the road again with a new bike.

Editor: I just wanted to send you and your readers an update about my Dad’s (Franco Canale’s) stolen bike.

My letter was published in The Times on Tuesday, Sept. 16. Since then, he has received a new bike from an extremely generous family friend, who saw the letter in the paper.

He is so happy to be on the road again.

We have also received many offers of donations from members of the community, which have enabled him to purchase a new helmet, lock and paniers. We are overwhelmed by the generosity of these wonderful people, and family extends our deepest gratitude.

Cecelia and the Canale family

Langley Times