Cyclists excited about trail’s potential

The E&N trail will form the spine of the bicycle and pedestrian networks in the city’s soon-to-be released Transportation Master Plan.

To the Editor,

Re: Nanaimo agrees to match fundraising dollars to go toward rail trail, April 1, 2014

As a founding partner in the Nanaimo Regional Rail Trail Partnership, our organization would like to congratulate the city for its ongoing commitment to extending the trail through the community. The E&N corridor’s gentle gradient and central north-south location make it an ideal transportation and recreation link.

Nanaimo isn’t alone in its efforts to develop this historic transportation corridor. Many other Island communities are currently extending the trail, one section at a time. Lantzville built 1.3 kilometres of trail from Mostar to Ware Road. The Regional District of Nanaimo is currently gearing up to build the trail from Parksville to Coombs and French Creek.

An Island-wide trail has the potential to become a world-class tourist destination, drawing thousands of visitors a year to experience our picturesque scenery, swimmable beaches, and historic sites and parks, generating significant economic opportunities.

The E&N trail will form the spine of the bicycle and pedestrian networks in the city’s soon-to-be released Transportation Master Plan.

Providing high-quality pedestrian and cycling facilities such as multi-use trails, sidewalks and bicycle paths will lead to a healthier and fitter population and reduced traffic congestion, pollution and greenhouse gas emissions – all essential in making Nanaimo a more livable and attractive community.

David Greyco-chairGreater Nanaimo Cycling Coalition

Nanaimo News Bulletin