Cyclists should share insurance liability

CBC could make a hefty profit by insuring drivers, including cyclists, instead of vehicles. That way, everyone shares the liability equally.

To the Editor,

Here’s a bellow at cyclists who think they are invincible.

This week, I passed a cyclist on Bowen. I stopped for a red light. So did everyone else – except the cyclist. He just changed lanes: from nearest the sidewalk, around a moving bus, past me, through the red light, and looped around a car entering the intersection driven by a thankfully alert (not texting or talking) driver, who hit the brakes and got a finger in return. I passed the cyclist again further along Bowen. His blood pressure seemed perfectly fine as he wove in and out of traffic. Mine wasn’t.  I was afraid that fool was going to blow my safe driver’s discount – it’s always the car at fault because cars have insurance and bike riders don’t.

Cars have to drive on pavement, while cyclists hop from dirt, to sidewalks, to medians, to driving lanes, and back again, with or against the direction of traffic, who cares?

Then we’re all supposed to weep when another Darwin Award contestant wins gold.

ICBC could make a hefty profit by insuring drivers, including cyclists, instead of vehicles. That way, everyone shares the liability equally.

Christel MartinNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin