Daily routine disrupted by sales rep

Why would a newspaper representative not have to go through the procedure of making an appointment?

Editor, The Times:

Today at 12.10 p.m. I was just coming into my house out of the cold from taking care of everyday chores like feeding animals, and lunch was smelling good.

I was just trying to get out of my multiple layers of clothes as the doorbell rang. Dancing on my one foot (which was not freed of the heavy Sorrel boot yet) I opened the door and there was a gentleman at the door stating that he was coming from the Times newspaper.

I could not believe what I saw and instantly told him that I sure was not prepared or willing to deal with him at that time. He left without a word and it made me think about business manners.

Why would a newspaper representative not have to go through the same procedure of making an appointment like all we other business people do? Do they have to infringe on people’s privacy?

If they do I think they deserve to be treated like those who behave with similar business manners.

Thank you very much for your continued support of this community!

Mike Mueller


Upper Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times