Daly seems to flip-flop on decisions when it’s convenient

North Saanich councillor Ted Daly's votes go back and forth

Re: Who’s really to blame for CRD kerfuffle? (Letters, Dec. 14)

Forgive me my daily cynicism, but I note that neither the Peninsula News Review, nor longtime backroom Ted Daly supporter Mike Stanlake report the fact that Daly himself voted against the “compromise” he and his new crew offered to Mayor Alice Finall.

I am reminded of the division and confusion created several years ago by then-mayor Daly when one evening he voted at council in favour of a compromise over the multi million dollar renovations to Panorama and the next evening voted against the same compromise at a meeting of the Panorama Recreation Commission.

Please provide us with more incisive reporting on these crucial issues to help North Saanich residents make up our own minds as to what is clean and what is dirty in our local politics.

Patrick Godfrey

North Saanich

Peninsula News Review