Dam aren’t a danger to neighbourhood

You allow articles to be published which report only part of the big picture, and your paper is putting a very negative spin on the story.

To the Editor,

Why is the reporting on the Colliery Dams Park issue biased and one-sided? You allow articles to be published which report only part of the big picture, and your paper is putting a very negative spin on the story. Are you being paid to spin this negativity? It certainly appears to be the case. There are two sides to every story.

Those dams do not pose that much of a threat to the Harewood community, and they never have. Why are your reporters not finding out why this entire fiasco began behind closed doors?

Good reporting is covering all aspects of a story.  You are allowing half truths to be seen by people that do not know any better, and you are sending these half truths out in the distribution of your paper.

Sandi Blankenshipvia e-mail

Nanaimo News Bulletin