Dam safety branch should be more concerned about dams elsewhere

It was déjà vu to see new councillors introduce a motion that would have restricted input on remediation of the Colliery dams.

To the Editor,

Re: Consultation continues on dams, March 5.

It was déjà vu all over again to see new councillors introduce a motion that would have restricted input on remediation of the Colliery dams. Apparently they’ve learned nothing, as the exclusion of the public, which includes engineers and others who have worked on these structures and the Chase River for generations, and the Snuneymuxw Nation which has cared for the Chase River for thousands of years, is precisely why this became a volatile issue in the first place.

The dam safety branch should be considering the hundreds of tailings dams all over B.C. that will certainly fail, instead of trying to scare us with unlikely events with our freshwater dams.

Jim ErkiletianNanaimo


To the Editor,

Re: Third option discussed for Colliery dams, Feb. 3.

It’s now 2015, yet still the great dams debacle continues on, overtaxing the already overburdened taxpayers of Nanaimo who are getting their wallets mugged yet again on another boondoggle of a money pit project.

The original builders of the Colliery dams must not be resting in peace with all of this continuing political monkey business, because the dams were build with 100 per cent integrity back in the day.

Al MunroNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin