Danger in North Delta

My daughter was hit in the crosswalk at 84 Avenue and 110 Street in North Delta, and over a year later, still nothing has been done.

Re: “There is a risk just walking,” Letters, The Leader, Oct. 20.

When I read this letter in your paper all the horror my daughter and family experienced just over a year ago came rushing back.

My daughter was hit in the crosswalk at 84 Avenue and 110 Street in North Delta also, and over a year later still nothing has been done. In the letter, the last line was, “God forbid the cost of sending a child to school costs someone their life.” Is this  what will have to happen for the city to finally do something about the traffic that comes speeding down 84 Avenue at all times of the day?

It is not just at times when children are going to school but at all times of the day. It seems that you put your life in jeopardy every time you cross at this crosswalk.

How about some traffic control on 84th? There is a school, recreation centre, boys-and-girls club and sports fields, plus children who use all the crosswalks on 84 Avenue to get to school. And let’s not forget the people that use the crosswalk everyday.

This area has become a throughway for traffic avoiding traffic on Nordel Way, whether it is busy or not.

Will it actually take someone dying for the city to wake up and either put in some lights or put in speed bumps from 116 Street to the new subdivision?  It is not just Delta drivers that are the problem in our neighbourhoods, it is the people who are just using it as a shortcut to get them closer to their destination.

This is just a reminder to all those who drive on 84 Avenue: Our children are out there and using those streets and crosswalks. This is our neighbourhood and while it may not be yours, we would really appreciate it if you would slow down.

It would also be a relief to see Delta council actually do something about this crosswalk before someone ends up dead. Sincerely


Heather Shepherd


Surrey Now Leader