Dangerous driving is getting worse

I now believe our families are in serious danger and it is time for the RCMP to focus on enforcing the laws.

For many years now I have noticed the drivers in Newton becoming less and less aware of pedestrians. I now believe our families are in serious danger and it is time for the RCMP to focus on enforcing the laws.

From the driving of unlicensed scooters on the sidewalk, to the blatant disregard of pedestrians in crosswalks, it is obvious that someone is going to get seriously hurt or killed.

On Thursday, May 15 around 9:30 p.m., my daughter was crossing 68 Avenue heading south on the west crosswalk under the illuminated walk sign. The couple in the green van stopped at the red light heading east on 68 Avenue can attest to this as they acknowledged each other.

As my daughter was about one-third the way through the intersection, a white van, traveling north on 132 Street, turned left unimpeded onto 68 Avenue westbound, heading into the crosswalk my daughter was on.

She saw the van turning into her and not slowing. As she jumped backwards she had a glimpse of the van’s grill just before the van struck her purse without slowing. Shaken, she crossed the remainder of the street as the van braked to a stop. The couple in the green van both asked if she was okay and momentarily talked to the driver of the white van, who had stuck his head out the window to say “sorry, sorry”.

In the end, my daughter was shaken but okay; we were very lucky. It is time that all the residents of Newton became aware that pedestrians in a crosswalk have the right of way. The RCMP must start enforcing this rule. It has gotten so bad that when I stand at our crosswalk on 132 Street only one car in 10 will stop. I encourage you to try this yourself and report the results in this forum. Careful though, don’t walk into the street until there are no cars around.

It is high time that the RCMP start enforcing these rules to ensure all of our family’s safety.


Adam Creery

Surrey Now Leader