Dangerous gardeners will be caged, rejoice

Editor, The News:

Re: MLA wants stronger rules for medical marijuana (The News, May 18).

I don’t know why everyone has their bum in a knot over the medical marijuana rules.

This program will be shut down by the end of the summer, and so will every compassion club in the nation.

The government will ignore court rulings, over-ride the Charter, and shut the doors over at Health Canada’s medical marijuana offices.

Then the RCMP – who already have all of our addresses and plant and storage data on file – will start rounding up former license holders.

Since, by that time, there will be new mandatory jail sentences in place for growing more than even one plant, all of the former license holders will have to cope with their MS and cancer and epilepsy and AIDS in one of the 12 fancy new jails that Stephen Harper is building for us.

So all the pot-haters can now rejoice: Mr. Harper has won, the medical pot program is officially dead, and all of us dangerous gardeners can be caged easily so that the gangsters can reap even bigger profits.

Russell Barth

Educators For Sensible Drug Policy

Federally Licensed Medical Marijuana User

It’s called prohibition

Editor, The News:

Re: MLA wants stronger rules for medical marijuana (The News, May 18).

Editor, The News:

Re: MLA wants stronger rules for medical marijuana (The News, May 18).

Marc Dalton, you fail to mention that the very reason we have these types of violent crimes being committed against permit holders is because we already have an over-regulated system, and it’s called prohibition.

If we were to implement a legalized and regulated system for cannabis similar to alcohol, we could let an open and competitive market bring down the over-inflated prices we now have with cannabis on the streets.

By devaluing the current prices through a consistent and safe reliable source of cannabis, you will see these types of crimes disappear overnight. Just like when alcohol prohibition was repealed, the street gangs lost a huge portion of their cash profits and their power quickly began to fade away.

The only solution to the violent and dangerous crimes being caused by the prohibition of cannabis is to repeal the prohibition of cannabis now. More regulations will only bring more dangers into our communities. Let’s face it, this herb isn’t ever going away and the people’s love for it is only going to grow.

By the way. Mr. Dalton, accusations are easy to throw around, but until you have proof to back them up, I suggest you stop the fear-mongering lies and begin to listen to people like Michael Joinson, who are directly involved with the medical marijuana program.

Todd Lumley

Sarnia, Ontario

Maple Ridge News