Dawn Stronstad is not a member of the Lakes Outdoor Recreation Society

Editor: An erroneous statement, attributed to Comfor Management Services Ltd. president, Quinten Beach, appeared in the Lakes District News.


An erroneous statement, attributed to Comfor Management Services Ltd. (CMSL) president, Quinten Beach, appeared in the Lakes District News edition of July 7, 2012.

Since inception, Dawn Stronstad has worked as the coordinator of the Lakes Outdoor Recreation Society (LORS) and is not a member of the LORS society.

CMSL has approved 60 hours per year of Dawn’s time since 2002 to assist with the coordination of LORS activities, that being the maintenance of 28 recreational sites, four hiking trails and two provincial campgrounds in the lakes timber supply area.

This year, because it was noted that LORS was not using all the hours donated, a more realistic 20 hours of her time was approved by the CMSL board.

It was because of CMSL, LORS was first formed.

In 2001 the previous CMSL manager, Ken Guenther, noted that provincial camp grounds were being decommissioned and provincial funding had been withdrawn from recreation sites.

At that time the CMSL board asked for volunteers to form a society and pledged the board’s support by offering coordination and funding. It was noted that the closure of these sites would be a great loss to the community and surrounding area.

Since, the level of financial assistance from CMSL has ebbed and flowed depending on the resources and funding LORS was able to access from other sources. The coordination time has always remained the same until this year.

These hours, and CMSL’s financial support, has always been appreciated by LORS and, I’m sure, by the many people who use the sites and campgrounds.

Lynn Synotte




Burns Lake Lakes District News