Dear Christy Clark, we know you can do better

I was among the media horde that day diligently taking pictures and scribbling notes

An open letter to our premier:

Dear Christy,

It’s been months since we met. I doubt you will recall our meeting; I was among the media horde that day diligently taking pictures and scribbling notes.

It was a cool and overcast May morning, but it was a fine day for you and the B.C. Liberals. You arrived at Campbell River Airport and were greeted by hundreds of cheering supporters.

The local truckers, in a show of support, lined up their big rigs on either side of the road as you regally made your way to the red carpet at Sealand Aviation.

You were in great form too as you drove home the message that became the keystone of the Liberal campaign: Jobs.

“We know what built the North Island and the province – people, not government,” you told supporters. “Our message is clear. B.C. needs strong leadership for a strong economy. Weak leadership means a weak economy, which is why people are increasingly concerned about Adrian Dix and the NDP.”

The election was still two days away, but you could sense the optimism and swing in momentum right here in little ol’ River City. That feeling, combined by an underwhelming NDP campaign, led your government to another victory.

Not too bad for a party that was supposed to be trounced!

But 10 months later, those warm and fuzzy feelings are being replaced by frustration and resentment.

Over that short time the cost of just about everything has gone up, particularly BC Hydro bills. I have to wonder how many families and low-income earners are falling way behind on their payments and receiving cutoff notices?

On the plus side, I’m sure the contracted collection agency is hiring more workers at minimum wage to deal with this issue.

Then there’s the teachers’ union. Yes, it will always be a thorn in the Liberals’ big toe, but do you think you can at least try to reach an agreement without violating court orders?

It’s a little too much and makes me want to take a quick holiday to Cortes Island. Then again, that’s two ferry sailings, and with increased rates and fewer sailings, I may as well just stay at home.

I can’t imagine these “cost savings measures” are helping anyone’s business.

But it’s not all about business, right? You had mentioned “people” and “strong leadership.”

The problem is, there are some people who no longer work, due to age and infirmity, and rely on the hard work of others to maintain their health and dignity.

These workers earn modest wages, but they’re about to earn less, receive fewer benefits and may even lose their jobs because the private owners aren’t making enough money to allow them to keep buying more care homes and screwing more hard-working-people.

Are you with me Christy? Was this how you envisioned the first year of “strong leadership?” Year two is nearly here, it’s time to do better.

Sincerely, Paul

Campbell River Mirror