Dear Fort St. James

I am often amazed by this community and how much there is going on all the time, how people are constantly coming together to organize different events.

This Canada Day was no exception, with amazing things to see and do all day, and so much of the town out doing it.

What can I say other than wow?

This Canada Day, many of you might have noticed me wandering around. I was the one with two cameras around my neck, taking endless photos and talking to people as I went.

I am often amazed by this community and how much there is going on all the time, how people are constantly coming together to organize different events.

This Canada Day was no exception, with amazing things to see and do all day, and so much of the town out doing it.

I spoke to people whose group scrambled together a float in a day, with costumes to boot.

I watched kids and parents in long line ups for horseback rides, ecstatic they were having the opportunity to get on a horse courtesy of generous volunteers.

I was blown away by something as over the top as a helicopter drop for children’s toys, which I might mention actually scared me a little – parents please keep your children from running at helicopters, that is dangerous!

But of course, it all ended well, and the kids all went home exhausted and happy, toys in tow.

There was an energy and enthusiasm people couldn’t help but get caught up in, evidenced by the truck driver who was the first to come behind the parade, who joined in, blowing his horn and waving to the crowd as he drove through main street.

The sun actually even made an appearance, and it didn’t really even rain until the very end.

It was by far the most memorable Canada Day I have experienced, and it really made me appreciate how lucky I am that part of my job is getting to go out and be a part of such a great community.


Thanks you Fort St. James, and Happy Canada Day, from my heart.



Caledonia Courier