Dear readers

If there is something you really want to see in the paper, a story or photo, we absolutely welcome contributions.

If there is something you really want to see in the paper, a story or photo, we absolutely welcome contributions.

However, if you want us to cover something for free, the one-person newsroom has to find time to do it, and there is a whole lot to do to make a newspaper every week and sometimes we won’t get to everything.

If we don’t get to something you wanted covered, then you can write or photograph the event and contribute it and we’ll use it when we have space. Many hands make light work, so write in or take a photo and send it to us via: email. We love contributions!

Unfortunately, the space in a newspaper is limited and determined by advertising, so if it doesn’t get in, it doesn’t mean we don’t think it’s important, and sometimes it might go in the Advertiser, which gets delivered to more even more places, as it is regional.

Also, please also feel free to buy ad space.

That is, if you want to be guaranteed to get something into the paper, then please purchase advertising space.

If you are flexible or don’t have the money, then we will gladly fit things when we can, but again, space is limited and we can not afford to print pages not paid for by advertising – it’s the reality of how newspapers work, ads pay for them to exist.

There is a lot going on in this little town, and it is hard to fit it all in or even to know about it all, and maybe some of the events truly close to your heart get left out at times.

But you can help by covering those things and sending photos, written information or even inviting The Courier to the event – remember we can’t cover what we don’t know about.

Some weeks there will not be room for everything, some weeks there will be too much room and not enough local information to fill it. Sometimes stories fall through. But we will do our best.

Please do your best to understand and don’t expect the event you think is the most important one of the week did not make it in the paper when you wanted it to because we were already working on 10 other stories.

Thanks for all your help!


Caledonia Courier