Debate over garden a waste of energy

Urban farmer has no hidden agenda.

To the Editor,

Re: Lantzville offers olive branch in urban agriculture dispute, July 21.

I am really disgusted at the amount of time that is being wasted on this whole ordeal. All these letters of ‘he said, she said’ are driving me crazy.

Can you imagine how many gardens we could have planted, homeless we could have fed, or kids we could have taught instead of ‘wasting’ our time trying to judge, blame, defend, etc.?

Regardless of who said what, or who went where, let’s just put the past behind us and get on with things.

Can’t we just start fresh? Work together and create bylaws that support the needs and desires of the community and its future?

Never mind temporary use permits. Our food crisis is not temporary. Nor should the bylaws be that support sustainable food production.

I am a single mother of four children,  a student and I work as well. Farmers like Dirk and Nicole allow people like me to feed my family wholesome fresh produce.

Not only is the food organic, local and, in my opinion, more nutritious, the price works within my small food budget (while the farmers barely make a living wage).

On top of this, they often hand me a bag of greens, garlic, etc. for free. All from the heart. No hidden agenda. No expectations. Just good, wholesome food from folks that make a conscious effort to live a better life and empower others to do the same.

How could any mayor and council not be in full support of that?

Shawna Green




Nanaimo News Bulletin