Decent service spawns ridership

‘Use it or lose it’ is the motto that the B.C. Transit Authority board is currently using.

To the editor:

‘Use it or lose it’ is the motto that the B.C. Transit Authority board is currently using in order to administer the services presently provided by the Kelowna Regional Transit System.

Their intention is to scrap the #9 Shoppers route in its entirety due to low ridership.

At the present time there is only one hour and 15 minute frequency of service being provided on this route, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. from the Queensway bus terminal, as in comparison to the half hour service provided for most other routes.

Of course ridership is low because of that fact.

Another reason just as bad, or maybe even worse, is the necessary time required to transfer from other bus routes as they are generally late arriving in the first instance.

Because of this fact I am required to leave my residence half an hour earlier and then wait 20 minutes or more before boarding the #9 Shoppers bus to get to my doctors office or the Parkinson Recreaton Centre.

A resident living on Lawrence Avenue told me that, although service may be poor, it is still better than none at all.

I happen to disagree for if proper service was introduced many more people, especailly seniors or others on low fixed incomes, would use this form of public taransportation and it would not be a waste of taxpayers’ dollars.


LH Schneider,


Kelowna Capital News