Decision on cell towers regrettable

Your Worship, you and your ill-advised council have shown a thoughtless disregard for the health and welfare of the people of Salmon Arm.

Open letter to Mayor Cooper and council:

Once again, Your Worship, you and your ill-advised council have shown a thoughtless disregard for the health and welfare of the people of Salmon Arm.

I refer, of course to your foolhardy acceptance of the proposed three cell towers and the resulting motion in a hapless manner with only a pitiful knowledge of the dangers of wireless currents and electromagnetic radiation. I noted that Ken Jamieson and Marg Kentel had the good sense to ask for further study on the matter.

In fact if you or any of your council had turned up at the large meeting in Enderby on July 15 you would have had the shock of your life.

More than 300 people, many from Salmon Arm, turned up and suffered over three hours on a hot evening to hear the real story and the vital dangers of wireless technology from three of the most highly trained men of science this province is lucky to have. Their regular work has involved them for many years in the study and application of radio and wireless communications. The experience and advice they offer cannot be taken lightly.

I repeat again Your Worship that you must be prepared to set up an open public forum for all parties to attend to learn and question this perilous action by BC Hydro that seems to be a law unto itself.

Sorry your email network does not work well with me. I receive far more action using the Queen’s regular mail and usually have a good reply.

Good luck to you, Madame Mayor, and always remember you were elected to your important post to serve and administer fair rulings and motions for the best interests of the community.

C. H. (Dave) Dyke,

member with Council of Canadians

Salmon Arm Observer