Decision on classroom sizes no surprise

Writer says the only "surprise" about the classroom size debacle will be Premier Clark's next move.

Dear Editor

In regards to your headline story about the latest BC Supreme Court ruling on Teachers contracts and class sizes (“Government to appeal teacher order”, Feb. 6, 2014).

It seems that the only one surprised by the latest court ruling that supports the BCTF and dams the bargaining arm of the Clark Government, is Education Minister Peter Fassbender, who wasn’t around when the Liberals decide to tear up contracts, throw collective bargaining out the window, and become arrogantly totalitarian, while never expecting any retaliation.

Who would have ever thought that the BC Supreme Court would have found that unfair? Now, because of the very same arrogant attitude, it is going to cost us literally hundreds of millions of dollars, because we tried to con the teachers instead of bargaining with them.

This, and the Clark Government commitment to a balance budget this Spring supersedes any pay raise for teachers, smaller classes, or cutting a billion dollars from any already cash strapped programs in place. Obviously, the Government has no other option than to oppose this decision, or at the very least stall.

It will be interesting to see just how Premier Clarke approaches this delicate file. Obviously, the longer she takes, the better off she is.

Art Green

Hope, BC

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal