Declining support

The NDP didn't do nearly as well as they thought they did in byelections

Many voters are undoubtedly angry with the BC Liberals, and numerous disgusted former supporters of the BC Liberals avoided the polls but, contrary to what Scott Fraser would have readers believe, overall election figures do not support his claim of increased confidence in the NDP.

In Port Moody-Coquitlam the NDP votes were down 1,544, Chilliwack-Hope increased by only 134, over the 2009 election: a net loss of 1,410 votes of confidence!

In fact the by-election results show that the BC Conservative Party, led by John Cummins for a scant 11 months, is already on the move with over 4,000 voters, in Port Moody-Coquitlam and Chilliwack-Hope, placing their confidence in the BC Conservative Party.

Enid Mary Sangster-Kelly





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