Dedicated teacher reluctantly agrees to withdraw extracurricular services

Dear editor,
There are two sides to every situation and numerous opinions that can support or go against each side.

Dear editor,There are two sides to every situation and numerous opinions that can support or go against each side.Being part of the ongoing dispute between the BCTF and the Liberal government has not been easy or enjoyable and has made me really think about how we as teachers, as well as all of the other workers in the province have to stand up for our democratic rights.It is very unfortunate that voting to withdraw extracurricular services was the teachers’ last legal option to try and get the government to rescind Bill 22. I have been teaching in the Comox Valley for 26 years and have coached for 25 of those years, so withdrawing from coaching does not come easy for me.I know that for many students the highlight of their school day is the sports or music or drama activities they engage in and they will remember these activities for years to come (as I do). I also know that it is with great regret that teachers have stopped volunteering to provide these activities and in some cases they have managed to find community replacements so that the activities may continue.I am passionate about both teaching and coaching/sports and have gladly volunteered hundreds of hours of my time, but I will stand by my union’s plea to withdraw from extracurricular services in hopes of having Bill 22 rescinded so that my students for years to come will have an education system that is able to meet all of their needs and will give them a good foundation for life-long learning.The withdrawal of extracurricular activities is not being taken lightly by anyone. Hopefully the desired result of improved classroom learning conditions for all students will be achieved through this action and the “short term pain for long term gain” will have been worth it.Students do matter, and teachers do care.Gail RobertsonEditor’s note: Gail robertson is a teacher at Brooklyn Elementary School.

Comox Valley Record