Deer dangers overstated

There appears to be a lack of common sense when it comes to the deer situation

There truly appears to be an acute lack of common sense shown by the mayor and council and some readers of this paper when it comes to the deer situation.

People see deer and become afraid of being attacked or having their pets killed by them. Deer are not predators and won’t attack unless they are provoked or defending their young.

The battle cry in this instance is to cull the deer. This year there have been some 40-odd deer found dead in Oak Bay and despite implications not all were from vehicle accidents. These dead deer are almost double the amount the mayor initially announced would be culled. Yet we still see them and there are still incidents.

Does anyone with any common sense believe that culling 25 or 50 deer will change things? Of course not and the only answers would be to cull every deer in the CRD or learn to live with the deer. The former choice would come from those lacking common sense.

Oak Bay is not the only community in the province or country that sees deer and for the most part people in those other areas live with them. They will not take over Oak Bay folks.

K.A. Wilson


Oak Bay



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